Rabu, Juli 25, 2018

Faris Izzaturrahman: Alarm Waker dengan Saklar Laser Berbasis Arduino

Title Alarm Waker dengan Saklar Laser Berbasis Arduino
Paper Abstract
Abstract Sometimes people wake up too late and cause them to be late for their morning activities. From there they use an alarm waker to wake them up in the morning. It's just that some people are unconsciously or semi-conscious will react to immediately turn off the waker alarm located right beside it causing recurrence of late in the morning. Therefore, on this occasion, we will discuss systems that use the LDR to create alarm wakers in the morning. The system is built using Arduino Uno microcontroller.
Author Keywords Alarm Waker
Arduino Uno
Laser Ray
Keyphrases Universitas Sebelas Maret
Arduino Uno
Last Edited November 5th, 2016

*for illustration only 

full name email social media
Faris Izzaturrahman takasugijanai@gmail.com
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Chico Hermanu BA  chico@ft.uns.ac.id
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Note: The contentof this project belongs to Faris Izzaturrahman and his responsibility. You can contact him personally about how to make it.
Image Source: Faris Izzaturrahman